Saturday, June 30, 2012

July 31, 2012

Sean Watkins, Head-Scumbag Engineer
Apple Electronic Services: Complaint Dept.
2134 Citrus Drive
Los Angeles, CA

(2)Dear Mr. Watkins,

Hey, Watkins, what the hell, man?  I bought yet another IPOD Nano from your lousy company the other day.  This is the second one I bought, and I am, quite frankly, pissed off. (3)  You see, I went for a run the other day.  You know, like exercise. It's probably something a hard-working, coffee-drinking, pencil-pushing guy like yourself knows nothing about.  So, allow me to give you a brief tutorial on how the human body works:  When you move around a lot, you begin sweat, and when you sweat, you burn calories. And when you burn calories, you lose weight.  Now, I know pale, air-conditioned drones like you quiver at the idea of doing anything physical; however, for the rest of us beautiful people, we like to stay fit, which is hard to do thanks to your product.

(3)Let me explain my difficulty. I promise not use too many words because I know how illiterate you are:  When I exercise, I sweat.  Sweat drips.  Yes, it does.  It's a natural phenomenon scientists call gravity.  So when the sweat, the downward pull of gravity causes the drips to fall on my Nano.  The salts fall into the guts of the IPod, causing a short.  This short burns out my IPOD, and then when I run, I am without my tunes.  This sucks!  I mean, this is second time my Nano shorted out.  Honestly, can't you California egg-heads design an MP3 player impervious to human fluids?  For $200, your product should be almost bulletproof.  Whoever heard of an MP3 player ruined by sweat?  My Sony Walkman from the 90s can take more abuse.  I can drown that damn thing in water and it still works.  However, just a few drips of sweat render your Nano retarded.

(4)Seriously, Watkins, I don't know such pond scum like you gathered enough cells to grow a spine and stand upright.  I suppose someone in your gene pool forgot to float over a sub-average brain.  How hard is it to design a protective case for a product used during exercise?  Because of you and your company's lack of foresight, I must request a new Nano.  As they say, "Third time is the charm."  Maybe by the fifth Nano you'll be inspired to lay off the Twinkies and do what you're paid to do.

Zeus in a Speedo,
a.k.a Charlie Sheen
Instructions:  First, turn in your book to page 276.  Look at the sample letter vs. Sheen's letter.  Identify the five mistakes in this letter.  

Second, you must write Charlie Sheen a response email to this complaint.  Remember, you are a brand steward for a Apple.  As insulting as Mr. Sheen is, he is also a customer paying for your product.  Write a professional email in which you try resolve this issue as best you can. 

Third, in a separate paragraph, explain why it is important you remain calm, cool, and collect when writing Mr. Sheen back.  What could be at stake by writing angry response back to him?

You must do these three things to get the full 20 points.  I wish you the best of luck.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

            The Two Prisoners
Gina was a good-time gal;
A real looker of a hooker if there ever was one:
Her creamy skin glowed in the city light,
And she'd show you a good time if the price was right.

Some hot-blooded, naïve boy
Thought he could love a woman like her.
He paid his money, and she broke his heart.
He lost his head over a smoky tart.
Downtown, on one cold and windy Saturday night,
He lurked in the shadows, holding a knife.
Gina came walking by in her sexy coat,
Ran up behind her and he slit her throat.

Now the rich pretty boy's in jail today,
With a sunken heart and head hung low.
Some fake good news to him I chime,
While I spend his daddy's cocaine money and bide my time.

No wants to lose the love they have
No one wants to feel what they really feel.
No one wants to see what they see.
It's better to be prisoner than to be set free.
I had love once too:
Didn't kill her with a knife—
Didn't spite her when she went away,
But the memories haunt me to this day.

So, I paid my money, and I broke her heart:
Watched as our love crumbled piece-by-piece.
Career-driven, I stuck with my books
And never noticed the tears that stained her good looks.
Years have gone by,
I sit alone with my filing cabinet full of horrors,
Sometimes with a sunken heart and my head hung low:
How I got so poisoned I guess I'll never know?

At night, alone, I sigh her name,
A lone voice hits the dark ceiling.
No reply from the one I was so fond:
So I wake up alone to wade through the world's shallow pond.

Me and the rich boy side-by-side:
I sit outside but so does he.
Both of us killed what we loved
Pushed what never should have been shoved.

No wants to lose the love they have.
No one wants to feel what they really feel.
No one wants to see what they see.
That's why it's better to be a prisoner than to be set free.

We want to see the world for what it's not.
Give me a shovel of sand to throw on your weary head.
Truth is around for all to see
But I'd rather be prisoner again than set free.

For this last blog posting, you are to write a brief analysis of this poem.  To do this, you must, in your own words, answer these two questions:  Is it easier to live a lie and be happy or is it better to face hard realities of life that plague us day-to-day? What is the main message of this poem?  From there, discuss some of the ethical components of this poem in relation to this poem.  Is there any justice, utility, or care going on here?  Please explain.  Best of luck on your final blog response.