Camstudio is a free desktop recorder that allows you make videos on your PC or Mac. This software, coupled with Windows Live Movie Maker, allows you to be your own filmmaker. With some practice, you can edit and make movies like the pros do but without expending large amounts of capital. Take minute to click on the movie I created with Camstudio, Audacity, and Windows Live Movie Maker. It's called Mixie-Trixie. Some of you may remember it from the memo example I used in the previous class. To make the preview, I recorded clips from Prosperi's Wild Beasts and created a separate soundtrack using Danielle Patucchi's music. When editing, I had to digitally split and fuse scenes to match the soundtrack. Here is my short movie:
For this second blog, you can do two things. You make a short clip using your smartphone, Camstudio, or any other video-recording software of your choice. You can make movie trailer, business proposal, a tutorial, or even a music video. The content is not important. Once you've made the video, state its rhetorical situation, (Statement, Purpose, Main Objective, and Contexts). Once you've done that, name the readers who would be interested in your video.
For those of you who do not want to do a video, write about one you would like to create. Perhaps you want to make a commercial for a small business. Describe the video you are trying to make, the rhetorical situation of that video, and the different readers. This will count as two blog posts. It will be due Feb. 3, 2013, A.D. Best of luck!
By the way, if you do make a video, make sure it is appropriate. Use common sense and good taste.